Family & Marriage

Around The Home

Around The Home

It is hard to believe that we have come upon “moving week!” I remember thinking back in March, oh, June is so far away. To now say that this is the week seems a bit crazy, but the time has come. We have shed many tears this past week, realizing that our life of 4…

Always Your Baby

Always Your Baby

I was sitting at my desk at school (I am a part-time elementary secretary), glancing up at the pictures I have pinned up on the cork board. Pictures of Mazy’s big blue eyes staring right back at me, pictures of her when she was but just a few months old, and candid pictures of life…

Our Village

As our time in Minnesota comes to a close, we of course have been reflecting on our many experiences here in Minnesota. I feel our life did a 180 since being out here, in a good way. We came broken, hurt, and childless, with two babies in heaven. Now we leave refreshed, renewed, and with…

Around The Home

Around The Home

I find I am taking fewer and fewer pictures lately, due to long to-do lists and finding things to pack up/clean, but I was able to sneak a few in this week! Can I just say, the warmer weather in Minnesota has been fantastic? I sometimes wonder how in the world we got through the…