Family & Marriage

Hard At Work

Hard At Work

On Saturday, our families and friends came to help us do some work around our new home! We had many boxes to unpack, find places for everything we owned, and of course the fixing up house to make it our own. Thanks to everyone’s help, we got pretty far! We are hoping to add a…

Around The Home

Around The Home

It is hard to believe that we have come upon “moving week!” I remember thinking back in March, oh, June is so far away. To now say that this is the week seems a bit crazy, but the time has come. We have shed many tears this past week, realizing that our life of 4…

Always Your Baby

Always Your Baby

I was sitting at my desk at school (I am a part-time elementary secretary), glancing up at the pictures I have pinned up on the cork board. Pictures of Mazy’s big blue eyes staring right back at me, pictures of her when she was but just a few months old, and candid pictures of life…

Our Village

As our time in Minnesota comes to a close, we of course have been reflecting on our many experiences here in Minnesota. I feel our life did a 180 since being out here, in a good way. We came broken, hurt, and childless, with two babies in heaven. Now we leave refreshed, renewed, and with…