Family & Marriage

Around The Home

As the weeks move on by, we are realizing quickly that our time in Minnesota is coming to an end and our new life in Michigan will be beginning. Both book ends, in the opposite way. The closing of one chapter, but the opening of another. I feel I have my emotions back under control,…

A Place To Call Home

A Place To Call Home

Think about what words come to mind when you hear the word “home”. I often think of a place of comfort, living and doing what we love, a place to just BE, and a place to be together. How about you? What makes your home, a place to call home? A month ago, Dan accepted…

Around The Home

It has been a CRAZY weekend, which I can’t WAIT to share more about in the next few days! I’ll give you a hint…it has to do with finding a place to live, but until then… Here’s a glimpse at our week in picture: One wonderful thing about having a sister who had all girls…

As If She’s Your Own

As If She’s Your Own

As the saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Dan and I have often said being in youth ministry, that we treat our youth group kids as our own. We always have. We talk with them, care for them, hug them, and cry with them, as if they were. That whole concept…

Around The Home

Around The Home

Welcome Spring! Warm weather has arrived in Minnesota yet again, and we could not be more thrilled! Minutes after getting out of bed, Mazy asks to go to the sanbock (sandbox) to play. She cannot get enough of the outdoors, which makes me wonder how in the world we get through the winter months in…