Family & Marriage

Mazy Is 22 Months Old!

Mazy Is 22 Months Old!

  Stats:  ~ Unknown Food:  ~ Favorites: blueberries, fruit pouches, pancakes, hot dogs, lasagna, mac ‘n cheese, strawberries, CHEESE, pizza, blackberries, puffs, goldfish, cereal, smoothies, fruit snacks, oatmeal cream pies Size: ~ 24 month – 2T clothes ~ 24 month – 2T pants ~ Size 4 diapers during the day and size 5 at night…

Around The Home

Around The Home

Hello, WINTER! This past week was quite a shock to our bodies after being in warm Mexican weather all last week! We came home to LOTS of snow, a snow storm the next day that closed schools, ice that covered the roads the whole week, and frigid temps that made going outside unbearable at times….

Around The Home

Around The Home

This is what has been going on outside of all of the Christmas festivities! Note the two different temperature readers! The Sunday before we left for Michigan, at 8:00 it was MINUS 22.3 (the clock on it is wrong), and a week later in Michigan, it was 52 degrees. Talk about an upswing in temperature!…

Our Little Christmas

Our Little Christmas

Since Mazy has been born, we have tried to establish our own little tradition for Christmas, but not being home, we haven’t been sure how to do that. We have not been at our own home for Christmas since we have moved out to Minnesota. We knew we wanted to get Mazy SOMETHING for Christmas,…