Family & Marriage

Around The Home

Around The Home

This little squirt is soon to be 1, which is crazy, but actually not so crazy. We feel we have enjoyed every minute with her and we are just soaking in every moment we can! Mazy sure is learning so much, so quickly! Now if she wants something, she can eventually scoot on her tush…

Around The Home

Around The Home

We have had a rather mild winter here in Minnesota, so that means time to get outside! I have always loved being outside and nothing has really changed. Like I said before, if it’s above 30, we are out! Mazy doesn’t mind getting bundled up, so we went out everyday we could this week. Last…

A Love So Deep

A Love So Deep

Some of you may have already seen this picture on facebook and instagram, but I couldn’t help but share it again. To me, the words on her shirt “Who needs a prince? (I have daddy)” is a saying that goes so much deeper than just words on a shirt. When Dan and I have talked…

Mazy Is 11 Months Old!

Mazy Is 11 Months Old!

I just couldn’t choose one…   Stats: Not sure. We will find out at her 1 year appointment. Food: ~ Eats about every 3-4 hours and drinks about 5-6 ounces each time ~ Likes to eat Gerber puffs, Baby Mum-Mums, cheese, toast with peanut butter, waffles, Cheerios, and baby food Size: ~ 12 month clothes ~…

Around The Home

Around The Home

Next week Mazy will be 11 months old! Wowzas! Love this girl more and more each day! It has been quite cold this week, so that means no walks for us, which has been a bit disappointing, but it is February in Minnesota! Hopefully we will be able to get outside again soon – otherwise…

Around The Home

Around The Home

This is what our past week looked like… A tiring day! She still gives us her “pouty” face which makes us laugh! I just can’t get enough of those eyes! So proud, though I think it’ll be a little bit before she starts walking on her own   She loves watching her dad snowblow! I…