Family & Marriage

This Week In Pictures

This Week In Pictures

This week in pictures! Each week, this girl just continues to amaze me in what she learns! I just love seeing that little smile and hearing those little coos! This is one of her favorite places – her changing table. She loves being “naked baby” and getting a body massage! As you can see, she…

2 Month Stats

2 Month Stats

I decided to do a little more “bullet-point” post for each month, since the blog is something I often look back on myself! This way, I will never forget all of the little details of Mazy Grace’s life! Stats: At her 2 month checkup, she weighed 12 lbs. 4 ounces, and is in the 71…

The Past Week In Pictures

The Past Week In Pictures

Every week just gets easier and easier! This week, Mazy has slept extremely well! She is napping for an hour or 2 at a time, where before it was only around 30 minutes each time. That was rough because I knew she wasn’t getting adequate rest! Also, at night, we are putting her down around…

2 Months Old Today!

2 Months Old Today!

Mazy turned 2 months old today! Here is the comparison of her at 1 month and now 2 months!    Those legs are just getting longer and longer! Love the little leg rolls she is getting!    This face just makes me laugh! Oh Mazy…      

Mazy Grace’s Baptism

Mazy Grace’s Baptism

Sunday was an incredible day. Not only were we able to celebrate Mother’s Day, but it was also the day Mazy Grace was baptized! Since my husband works as a youth pastor for 2 churches, we had a combined afternoon service. We gathered in the fellowship hall, since the sanctuary is currently torn down, and…