Family & Marriage

The 33 Week Mark

The 33 Week Mark

Only 7 weeks left! (Looks like my belly button popped, but it hasn’t. Yet.) I almost can’t believe I am saying that! I remember getting past the halfway point and thinking wow, I have a long ways to go yet. Where now, I only have just weeks left – it’s barely worth saying “months” anymore!…

Appreciate The Moment

This is a lesson that has taken and is still taking me, far too long to learn: appreciating the moment. Busy days can get the best of us. Looking at the calendar, our schedules fill up. Demands from every corner fill our minds with what we AREN’T accomplishing, maybe even creating a feeling of guilt…

Changes Welcomed

This moment in our life, we have dreamed about for years. Years of prayers, years of dreaming, and years of wondering when, just maybe when, it would be our time to have a child. Many have said “oh, just wait until you have to change diapers and stay up with her all night because she…