Family & Marriage

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving Weekend

What a weekend to be THANKFUL! Tuesday night, after basketball practice, we drove through the night to Michigan. I know, we may be crazy to drive through the night, but we didn’t want to “waste” a day by driving during the day – especially on the busiest traveling day of the year – Wednesday. When…

Weekly Update On Our Life

Weekly update on the Sterks… Basketball is in full swing! I am LOVING it so far! It feels so good to be back in the sport, coaching, and just being with the girls! Our true desire is for the girls to grow closer to God. It has been humbling to start our practices with devotions,…

Weekend in 3 Pictures

Weekend in 3 Pictures

My husband is out deer hunting for the weekend! He was so eager to get out into the woods – I personally don’t share the same excitement for sitting in the cold, but I do share the same excitement for nature! This is a pretty typical sight for Dan. Now hopefully this “sight” will also…