Family & Marriage

The Rest Of The Story

The song “Blessed Be Your Name” has been a theme song for Dan and I for a few years now. This is a song that we blare when it comes on the radio and sing it at the top of our lungs. Yes, we are those “sing in the car” people. This song has been…

And the Results are In…

BRENDA IS PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pretty much can’t believe I just typed that! BAAAHHH!!! So here’s how it went down: The clinic was going to call Brenda because she was the one having the blood test. Well, I was working today, so I told Dan that he could find out and then we could go to Tim…

Welcome Home Embryos!

Dear Dan and Kristin, Your two babies are tucked away safely in me, taking residence with Jesus who also lives in me. This is the text we received at 10:36am this morning from Brenda. Got a little teary-eyed after reading that one! Praise be to God that our embryos are safe in her womb and most…

TWO Embryos

Quick update! TWO embryos fertilized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The nurse called at 8:30am this morning and said 8 eggs were retrieved, one was immature, BUT, two FERTILIZED! I can’t tell you how much joy I have in my heart right now. To think that there are two Dan and Kristin’s hanging out at the clinic right now. It is…

Continuing the Story…

Continuing our embryo adoption story… Our hearts ached. Ached and ached for those who were in the same predicament we were in: desiring children. Dan and I would sit in our living room and have conversation after conversation, talking about how we could possibly help these couples. These couples can carry, but cannot conceive. We…