Family & Marriage

My Wonderful Weekend

What a great weekend it has been! Dan left early Friday morning for squirrel camp. Yes, you read that correctly. Dan and some guys from church head up to the Fennville area and camp for the weekend, hunting squirrels. You may think that is a rather odd animal to hunt for (I know some of you…

These Days…

Lots going on! First of all, my heart goes out to those who lossed loved ones on 9/11 – also to those who are continuing to lose loved ones as our country continues to fight the war on terrorism. Sacrifices are continually being made. As I sit here in the comforts of my own home,…

What’s Been Going On

A little update on our life… Can’t believe we are like 2/3 the way through August already! Dan and I keep telling ourselves that just because the kids go back to school, doesn’t mean our summer is over! September can bring THE most beautiful weather (though we’ve been blessed with a gorgeous August!) We are…