Family & Marriage

What’s Been Going On

A little update on our life… Can’t believe we are like 2/3 the way through August already! Dan and I keep telling ourselves that just because the kids go back to school, doesn’t mean our summer is over! September can bring THE most beautiful weather (though we’ve been blessed with a gorgeous August!) We are…

Here and There

As you can tell, I haven’t been us “up” on my blogging as usual, but it’s because we haven’t been home! Dan and I had the privilege of being parents for a day and night for two of our youth group kids – loved it! We played mini-golf, played TTR (that is Ticket to Ride)…

If My iPod Was On Shuffle…

Continuing my lengthy 30-Day blog challenge… Ironically I have an iPod shuffle! Oh about 3 years ago we were at our church’s mission auction and they were auctioning one off. I really wanted it for cleaning b/c it clips onto clothing (but doesn’t have a screen or anything). It is REALLY simple, but that is…

Another Year Is Dawning

What I am looking forward to and goals I have for this new year (in no particular order): – Going to the Dominican Republic on a mission trip in February – Getting a clearer understanding of the impact my heart condition will have on my life – Seeing the path God will take us on…