Heart Condition

Heart Journey Update

Thought I would give a little update on my heart failure journey since I’ve been asked a few more questions recently. I am thrilled to say that I made it through 2020 (of all years) without being admitted into the hospital for heart failure and even bypassed having a procedure! It had been quite a…

Heart Journey Update

Heart Journey Update

Yesterday I received a phone call from the University of Michigan CVC. And afterwards, all I could do was cry. When I saw it was Michigan, I couldn’t help but immediately think, what happened? When Michigan calls out of the blue, it’s usually because something is wrong. I’d love to give that number the benefit…

A Taste of Healing

A Taste of Healing

On Monday, as many of you know, I went into the Cardiovascular Center at the U of M, to have an ablation. That’s where the doctors go in and zap/cauterize the area of the heart that is misfiring electrically. I had a previous ablation in May, but was proven to be unsuccessful. This round, we…