Heart Condition

One Day At A Time

God continues to surprise me with opportunities to trust. When I was laying in the back of the ambulance on my way back to Michigan, I had 2 1/2 hours to think about what was again, happening. Why again, God? What is your good, good purpose in this? Why did my LifeVest go off? As…

Around The Home

Around The Home

This week was a bit more eventful than we planned, but nothing happens without a purpose, and I feel this week has been no different. I have been feeling a bit more symptomatic, but didn’t expect another hospital stay.  But thanks to that alarm that went off on my LifeVest, it has shown the doctors…

The Journey Continues

The Journey Continues

Update: GOING HOME TODAY! Steps. Kristin, it’s steps towards getting you better. That is what my ER doctor told me Friday as I awaited an ambulance transfer back to the University of Michigan. This past week, I felt a little off, but nothing that raised too much of an alarm, until Friday morning, when my…