Heart Condition

Beauty In The Midst

This past week, I took  my daughter to a local attraction called Dutch Village. I will put a disclaimer in there that you do NOT need to be Dutch in order to enjoy this place! Granted Mazy and I are a replica of Dutch heritage with our blonde hair, blue eyes, and tall genes, but…

Healing Is Happening!

Today I had a follow up appointment at the U of M and I have to say it was UNeventful which we are VERY thankful for! I truly believe healing is happening and I am feeling more and more like myself again as the days go on. I could not be more thankful and more…

Around The Home

Around The Home

I had to chuckle a bit when I typed the name of my normal Monday posts – Around The Home. Really, I should’ve called it Around The Hospital! If you’ve been keeping up to date with the posts, you have noticed that we spent the week at the University of Michigan, for issues with my…

Praying For a Miracle

We are HOME! Needless to say, this week hasn’t necessarily gone as planned. When I found out Monday that I was being admitted to Michigan for heart failure, I was thinking we would be there 1 day. Well, one day turned into 6. It was an eventful week of seeing my heart beat completely out…