Heart Condition

A Year To Remember

A Year To Remember

Roads blanketed in snow, hands sweaty gripping the steering wheel. Eyes locked on the tail lights ahead of me, but my ears attuned to what the radio host just asked the listeners, myself, to consider. What is one word that would describe my year? Challenge accepted. I could not help but ponder the question that…

One Giant Leap Forward

One Giant Leap Forward

The hum of the highway was an all too familiar sound as we made our way down to Ann Arbor today for my post op appointment. It is the only highway route I have taken since October 19, when we headed down to Michigan for my first surgery. That was also the last time I…

When God Calls A Time Out

Life is going well. Things seem to be breezing along, when all of a sudden, God calls a time out. You stop, look back, look up, whatever, and wonder WHAT? Life is not going well. Things seem to be spinning out of control, when all of a sudden, God calls a time out. You stop,…

Surrendering Control

I just want to see the whole puzzle come together. Have you ever felt that way? But God is saying, hold on my child, just wait? This past week hasn’t gone as expected, having landed at U of M again, though thankfully our wheels stayed on the ground this time. In a way it came…



Think back over your life. What have been the “ah-ha” moments of your life? The times when you have found yourself changing the most? Usually it’s after a big life event. Starting college, getting married, having your first child, or fourth, starting a new job, becoming an empty-nester, or maybe even losing a loved one….