
Cancer Results Are Back…

Cancer Results Are Back…

Yesterday at my routine Monday, Wednesday, Friday appointment at the cancer clinic, we met with my PA to discuss side effects and test results. We had been waiting to hear back about my inversion 16 test result, to see if that number is finally zero again. Last June, we found out that the CBF –…

We Are Making Progress!

We Are Making Progress!

It has been a long 3 weeks. Three weeks of pain that would sometimes bring me to my last resort: uncontrollable tears. The thought-to-be neuropathy I’ve had in my hands and feet has prevented me from doing one of the things I love: going on walks. The weather has been impeccable some days and I…

This is Cancer

This is Cancer

This is a bit more of a real and raw post, but I pray that this in some way encourages someone who may be going through cancer themselves or just a difficult time in life. It’s good to be honest. It’s good to share because most likely someone else is experiencing the same thing. Cancer…