
BMT Day -6

I wore this t-shirt specifically for today, knowing that this is the truth we stand in today! We can look back and thank God for what he has already done in our lives and we can look forward and trust that he will continue to provide for us in the future too. Finished my first…

As The Page Turns…

As The Page Turns…

I plopped down at our kitchen table, with the old 2023 calendar to the side, and my 2024 flowery wall calendar, all pristine and empty, laid before me. My planner to my right, with all of the “nexts” labeled within it. A blank slate, but a planner filled with reminders of what God has taken…

Yes, Lord

Yes, Lord

The past few days, I have been clinging to Psalm 71:14 which says, “As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. “ Now that we are a week away from admission for my bone marrow transplant, I can feel the fight building up in me. I can feel…

Leukemia Journey Update

Leukemia Journey Update

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10a This passage of the Bible has been a challenge for me as of late. One would maybe think this verse would be easy for me because it’s not hard to “be still” when I had to quit work, focus on a cancer diagnosis, and basically…

Racing With Thankfulness

Racing With Thankfulness

The cheers were loud, as we stepped out onto our deck this morning and remembered that our town’s turkey trot run was happening at the end of our road. Some walkers, some runners, all working towards the same goal – the big yellow banner that went up and over our main downtown street. I was…