
Living With No Extras

Living With No Extras

Do you ever catch yourself in the middle of something and you wonder “why am I doing this?” I have totally been there. Call it what you want – mindless searching or mindless dreaming. You know what I’m talking about! You jump on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, or even your favorite website, and have this life-envy…

2:15 AM

At 2:15am, I hear Mazy whimper from across the hallway. I squint to look at the clock, pat the end table next to me – can’t go anywhere without those glasses. I tip toe over to the clothes hook to find my house coat, as I quickly open her door and tell Mazy… Mommy’s here!…

A Friend Of Guilt

It was a simple PBS show – Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. It was shortly before supper and I had turned on the TV so Mazy could have some downtime while I cooked supper. As soon as I hit the power button, I had this rush of guilt flood over this mommy’s heart, wondering if I made…