
Recognizing God’s Voice

Recognizing God’s Voice

We have developed a completely new vocabulary, living with a toddler. One that usually makes no sense to anyone else but us, yet a vocab that has taught me far greater than new words. Let me share just a few: Sup-pa = pizza Amen = when she’s done reading a book gawk = milk George…

More Than “Just One”

More Than “Just One”

  I never thought the day would come. The news that my heart was healthy enough to have a child. Not only have a child, but carry, feel the hiccups of, the little kicks, her little feet, and the birthing a love for a child from the very beginning. It was an experience that many…

Just Like You

Just Like You

I knew there was that one toy we just had to have. A toy vacuum. I know for some, it may be something completely different, but you know that “one” toy that you either had growing up or something you saw in the store and KNEW your child had to have it. Well, that was…

Living Beyond Regrets

Living Beyond Regrets

That high-pitched and piercing scream as the vacuum’s voice went into a deep throat-ed groan. I will never forget that moment, when I turned around with the vacuum hose in hand, as I see my daughter pulling her hand from the bottom of the vacuum. The picture in my head of Mazy playing quietly in…