Our Favorite Toddler Toy
Our favorite toddler toy this Christmas season!
Our favorite toddler toy this Christmas season!
We like to read in our house. There is something peaceful about pulling out a book, cuddling and squishing together on the couch, as we soak in the story and allow ourselves to imagine beyond the present. Thankfully Mazy likes to sit and read books now. She didn’t always love to, which comes with age,…
One of the things that we go through most in our house is paper. Not even construction paper, but that plain ole white computer paper. Thankfully it’s cheap and can be recycled because boy we sure go through a lot of it! The other day, as I was scanning our living room floor, I realized…
I have been seeing a thread going around on social media about questions you can ask your child. I’ve seen these lists on Pinterest before, but never really took the time to ask Mazy some of them. So, while Daddy was gone and it was just her and I at the supper table, I decided…
Hello snow! The first picture is of us hanging out by our propane fire, with the temperature definitely warmer. And by the end of the week, our first snow! We loved both extremes and everything in between! Mazy loves to roast marshmallows! With snow on the horizon, that meant lots of leaf raking this week!…
I often am the hardest on myself. I see this beautiful little girl stand in front of me, praying for God’s grace as I have the privilege as her mom, to BE her mom. And as moms, we often feel like we screw have royally screwed up, don’t we? I think about the times when…