Simple Living

Stress Has No Place

I remember when I was in college, at one of my routine heart appointments, I remember my cardiologist saying that one of the best things I could for myself was live life with the least amount of stress as possible – for my heart’s sake. And that idea, I have taken with me not only…

Just Keep It Real, Please

Just Keep It Real, Please

Real. Real homes. Real people. Real kids. Real moments. Real everything. You with me? So I love Instagram. Maybe it’s kinda weird, but I find that there are some pretty “real” people on the Insta. Can I just thank you, from the bottom of my heart? Our souls long for people like you. I’m not…

My Efficiency Struggle

My Efficiency Struggle

I am a to-do list girl. I LOVE to make lists and accomplish them. The more things I can cross off in a day, the more accomplished I feel. And unfortunately, often I see my success defined by how much I can accomplish. In other words, I end up trying to do a LOT. The…

Here, For A Purpose

Here, For A Purpose

Acts 17:26-27 says, “And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, 27 that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from…