Simple Living

31 Ways To Simplify Your Life

31 Ways To Simplify Your Life

  I love the word “Simplify.”  I think there is much peace, calmness, freedom, and rest in this word. Peace, knowing that you are living with what you actually use. Calmness, knowing that you aren’t living with all this clutter. Freedom, knowing you have freedom to live in your own home, instead of being overwhelmed…

Doing What You Love

Doing What You Love

What are the things that bring you joy? What are the things that you do in a normal day that don’t bring you joy? For me, the things that bring me joy are the things I would choose to do on vacation – playing games, hanging out, and making a puzzle. Maybe add in there…

The Joys of Staying Home

The Joys of Staying Home

In the Midwest, winter=staying home more often, doesn’t it? Do you find that in your life as well? But in a way, it’s maybe not all half bad! It is so easy to rush through life, going from this to that, leaving us to wonder where the time has gone? My goal in parenting is…

Majors and Minors

Majors and Minors

A dear friend of mine (eh hem…MAK) recently wrote a little note on Facebook about how we often times minor in the major things, major in the minor things in life. That struck me and even though I’ve heard that quote in the past, I couldn’t help but sit back and wonder how often I…