Simple Living

Buried and Hurried

Is this not the battle within many of us? We are buried and in over our heads with things to do, hurrying and scurrying around, trying to accomplish as much as we can in as little of time as possible. I am the BEST at this! And that’s not something to be proud of. I…

Living With No Extras

Living With No Extras

Do you ever catch yourself in the middle of something and you wonder “why am I doing this?” I have totally been there. Call it what you want – mindless searching or mindless dreaming. You know what I’m talking about! You jump on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, or even your favorite website, and have this life-envy…

The Cost Of Normal

When meeting with the surgeon last week, he told me that I could live a normal life again. A normal life. When he said that, I started to tear up, but in reality, I had no idea what I was tearing up about because truthfully speaking, I have never known normal. And who has? What…