Simple Living

Why I Love My Hobbies

Why I Love My Hobbies

What do you do during your free time? If you had 2 hours to spare, what would you choose to do? Hobbies are something that almost everyone has – whether it be reading, crocheting, walking, fishing, or even DIYing. We all have something that we enjoy doing when there is a lull in life. Now…

My New Way Of Scrapbooking

My New Way Of Scrapbooking

This post does contain affiliate links, but all of these opinions are completely my own. About a year ago, I decided to stop scrapbooking. If you would’ve known what an avid scrapbooker I was, that may have come as a shock. I have a shelf just full of scrapbooks, with probably close to 15. I…

Admiring and Desiring

Admiring and Desiring

Have you ever known someone who had something or had a quality that you admired or desired?  You may have a hard time thinking of something or someone, but just think about the desires you have to live in a different home, have a different style, want your home to look a certain way, or…

If You Had Spare Time…

If You Had Spare Time…

Spare.  Is that word even in your vocabulary? I sometimes wonder if “spare” will ever be in my schedule! Do you ever feel like if it is not one thing it’s another? One thing I have learned is that I am a “get it done now” person. I am far from the definition of a…