


We have all been given a story to tell. My desire to is encourage others to embrace their stories. God has time and time again, shown me His faithfulness in my life and I love telling GOD’S story, for HIS glory alone. If you would like me to partner with you and speak at an…

Step By Step

Step By Step

Today I headed back to Ann Arbor for yet another check-up, but each time I go to the land of the maize and blue, I am reminded of how grateful I am for the medical advances that Michigan has and the ability to have such detailed health care. Even in the midst of all of…


An aspect of my life that I find I do not talk much about is our marriage. Unintentional really, but nevertheless, something I really feel needs to be talked about more in society in general. In Christian circles, marriage is one of those subjects where our lips are often glued shut. Why is that? Is…