
How Limits Set Us Free

How Limits Set Us Free

  Once we have more, it’s just never enough, is it? Just think about that for a second. No matter how much we have, no matter how much money we make, it is just never enough, is it? We are always wanting more. And More. And MORE. Think about your life. What have you bought,…

More Than “Just One”

More Than “Just One”

  I never thought the day would come. The news that my heart was healthy enough to have a child. Not only have a child, but carry, feel the hiccups of, the little kicks, her little feet, and the birthing a love for a child from the very beginning. It was an experience that many…

Around The Home

Around The Home

We have survived a week without her wubs! Last week I had cut the paci off and ever since, she has said it’s “broke, sad.” It was a rough first couple of days, nights, and naptime, but now she only asks about wubs about once a day. We have also been working on getting her…