
A New Kind of Normal

A New Kind of Normal

On Sunday Dan and I took a walk. On that walk, God revamped something in us –  He gave us a renewed passion for life. As we walked and talked, we realized we need to keep moving forward. I know I have mentioned that numerous times before. The life God has us living right now is…

What To Say?

What To Say?

What do you say? This is something I have struggled with from the beginning. I struggle with questions. Why? Because I don’t even know the answer to half of them :)! I struggle with: Anything new? How are you? Is life good? What have you been up to? People I randomly run into (like those I…

Baby Afghan

Amidst all the craziness, I have managed to crochet this baby afghan! My friend Tracie and I decided to crochet them (she crocheted a pink one) for our two friends who are having babies (actually, one of them had their baby 7 weeks early, but is doing well!). If you crochet, here is the pattern. I had…