Christmas 2018
Our family was quite excited for Christmas and especially seeing Mazy just soak in everything related to Christmas! Oh to see Christmas through the eyes of a 3 year old! She truly made us soak in every moment without missing a beat! Her smile, her wonder, and her awe…makes me look to our Father in the same way – the wonder and awe of Christmas!
Here’s what our past few days have looked like!
Friday night started off with the Geurink extended family party – always good to catch up with everyone since we all grew up quite close! Then Saturday night we celebrated with my side and as you can tell by Mazy’s face, she was ready for presents! We always have our token calzones for supper and oh so good!

So thankful for such wonderful parents Dan and I both have in our lives!

One of the fun parts is that we play bingo for gift cards while the kiddos play for these awesome prizes! Oh it sure is a good time!

Monday we headed down to Dan’s parents in St. Joseph where we celebrated with Dan’s family! I love catching moments like these on camera!

The girls in their new hammocks:

Then Tuesday morning we had Mazy open her presents from us. We couldn’t WAIT for her to wake up in the morning so she could open them before church!

When she opened up this doll, she gave me the BIGGEST hug! It honestly made me tear up to see her so thankful and just love it so much!

All ready for church…did I ever mention how much I love our little family?

I hope you all had a blessed Christmas and just because December 25 is in the past, don’t ever stop celebrating!