Clean Out Refrigerator

Tip #12 – Clean out your refrigerator when you get groceries.
Refrigerators can become just as cluttered as the outside does (the rest of our home). Refrigerators store food; unfortunately, we often don’t keep tabs on what is going into our fridge and end up cluttering it with moldy food. Not only is this unhealthy, but you are storing needless and useless food. Solution? Every time you get groceries, before putting in the “new” groceries, browse through each shelf and find anything that is old, moldy, or that you should have for supper tonight to use up. This prevents food items from being shoved into the back corner until it is too late.
Kristin’s Action Plan: I try to go through our refrigerator every week because too often, food goes to waste because we do not eat it fast enough (or I forget about it). I have also learned to freeze food when I know we will not eat it in time or get sick of it. By freezing, the food does not go to waste and I have an already made meal for another night!
I love the idea of "shopping the fridge" before you make something! I think so often we are so quick to buy new, that we end up filling up our refrigerators with the unnecessary! Thanks for sharing Jennifer!