Day 12: Samples/Freebies

What: Samples and Freebies
Why: I am a Dutch girl. If you are Dutch or know someone who is Dutch, you may be aware of the typical stereotype of wanting everything cheap. Not that we ARE cheap, but we enjoy our freebies and free samples. I would say you could classify me as a typical Dutch girl. Though freebies and samples have their place, I think even good things (yes FREE items), can get out of control. Do you control your samples or freebies – or do they control you?
How – Here are some “free-ing” questions to think about:
1. Why do you sign up for freebies or take them?
– Do you take them just because they are FREE?
– Do you think about whether you will actually use it or not?
– How often do you actually go out and buy that product? Often that company will give you a coupon for when you buy “the real stuff.” Have you ever thought how much more expensive the name brand is vs. the store brand?
2. What about the space that those freebies take up?
– I know…they are FREE! BUT. At what cost do you keep collecting freebies? Do they just add unnecessary clutter? If you get overwhelmed by looking at your cupboards and think “I need to clean these out…” do you think about what you have done TO make them disorganized or cluttered?
3. I have read about people who go to all ends to save a few bucks or to get their “free” item. But have you thought about the time and the gas that it takes to go GET that free item? At what point then, is it free or money-saving?
Before we jump into the free samples and freebies, think about what it is costing you: time, money, space, etc.
Action: Go through your house and find all the freebies and samples you have. Will you use them? Ask yourself why you got them in the first place? I suggest either start using them up now or throw them away because they are doing no good just sitting in the cupboard! And the most important part – prevent those unnecessary freebies/samples from creeping into your cupboards!
Confession Of The Day: Those samples above are from hotels. I am SO one of those who takes the sample shampoo/conditioner from hotels! I will say though, that when Dan and I travel, this is what we take with us! Because of the 3 oz. limit and because we often go away for weekends or on trips, we often survive off of these. I believe these are the only samples I have, but I always welcome them. If I use part of them while on a trip, I will make sure I use the rest of it up at home, so that they aren’t sitting half empty in my cupboard!
Please consider giving unused products to local food pantries. People need soap, shampoo,
deodorant, toothbrushes and toothpaste, toilet paper, all helps!
That is a GREAT idea and a cause worth giving to! Thank you!