Day 22: Paper
What: Paper and Printing Paper
Why: Have you ever been ready to print something and then realize you are out of paper? Or, have you needed to write a letter and realize you can’t find one loose leaf piece of paper? Or get to your last check and realize you don’t remember where you put your boxes of checks? It is time to organize all of these “papers” and keep them in ONE place so that when you need it, you can FIND it!
1. Find all of your computer paper, loose leaf paper, paper tablets, blank checks, picture printing paper, refills for paper, etc.
2. Determine if you NEED all of this paper. If not, donate it or find someone who can put it to good use.
3. Find a box or storage container around the house that will be able to hold all of your paper.
4. Organize paper in container, put the lid on and store.
Confession of the Day: When I was doing a deep cleaning one day, I found printer paper, picture printing paper and loose leaf paper that I had no clue we had. I have also had a hard time finding our blank checks – I knew that was when I needed to find a different system. By having all of these “refills” in one spot, I know exactly where to go when I need any “paper” refill.