Day 30: Online Passwords
What: Online Passwords
Why: Have you ever tried to login to an account and forget what password you used? Or even forget the username altogether? Or have you tried to retype the password over and over again to only learn that you locked up the account and now have to call the company and change your password? Many websites are now requiring a username and password. Yes, it is easy to just use the same password across the board – until they force you to use punctuation, spaces, numbers, etc. Gone are the days of using the name of your first pet! Keeping track of the username and password for each website can cause one to go crazy. That is why creating a sheet that has ALL of your usernames and passwords on it will be a lifesaver and timesaver!
1. Create an “online password” sheet that with 4 columns: website, username, password, and notes.
2. In pencil, write down all of the websites you have usernames and passwords for. Your list will be longer than you think! Then write down the username and password for each. In the notes section, it may be helpful to write down what you answered for the “hint” questions (if you forget your password). Or you can use the notes section to write down what the website is for.
3. Put this sheet in a safe spot. Consider even putting it IN your safe!
Confession of the Day: I had signed up to receive our explanation of benefits for our health insurance, electronically. When I went to login into our account, I realized I kept typing in the wrong password, causing our account to lock up. I ended up needing to call the company, but they would not talk to me because I was not the primary holder of the account. It ended up being a big pain and that was when I realized I needed to start writing down what my username and password was for each account. I have to admit my memory just doesn’t always step up to the plate – I have used my cheat sheet more often than I’d like to admit. Yes it takes time to write down all of the websites and information, but you will be thankful on the day you forget what password you used!