Day 4: Make-Up

What: Make-Up
Why: Make-up is something that we tend to collect and never use. It is time to purge and live with less – even when it comes to make-up!
1.Go grab your make-up bag, pouch, whatever you use.
2. Dump it ALL out. As in “if you have make-up stored in other places, grab that too.
3. Sort it
- Put all the make up you use on a daily basis in one pile.
- On another pile, put all the make you use for special occasions.
- The rest, THROW IT AWAY. If you are thinking “oh, I will use this someday after my the other is gone…” trust me, YOU WON’T! THROW IT AWAY.
- If you have half used make-up that you know you won’t use, toss it.
4. Look at the make-up you use for special occasions. Do you REALLY need it? Does it REALLY add that much of a touch? If you can do without it, throw it away!
Confession of the Day: Why do we have multiples of so many things in life? I found I once had 3 different types of foundations (dating back to – let’s just say WAY too long ago). I had eye shadow that I haven’t used in probably 10 years, but kept thinking “oh I will use it…” and never do. I now can grab my little pouch and know that I only have a few things I need to put on my face. I am not brave enough to go no-makeup yet, but I am enjoying an organized make-up with MUCH less.
Most makeup had expiration dates anyways. There are ways to refresh and sanitize. But it just takes too long. I have loads of make up. But I am always putting on a different color every day! I work in a makeup dept at my store so I do use it all on a daily bases. But I would love a better way to organize it all. I have it in little storage bins. But I would like something a bit better.
I think organizing makeup can be one of the hardest things because we all have such a different variety and amount! I think keeping what you use the most, in one carrier/tote/container, and then the less used in another container in your cupboard, at least downsizes a little. How fun to sell – I think I would go crazy with all of the different options 🙂