Day 49: Cds

What: Cds
Why: Hard to believe that cds are becoming a thing of the past since itunes, ipods, iphones – you name the “i” – came on the scene. Though all the “i’s” are taking over, cds are not completely out of the scene yet. As a result, they are something that still needs to be organized.
1. Find all of the cds you own. This includes the ones in your car, in your kitchen, living room, cd cases, wherever you have cds.
2. Go through each cd and decide:
- Do I listen to this cd?
- Do I enjoy listening to this cd?
- Do you enjoy this genre of music?
- Is this cd worth keeping – do I listen to it enough?
- Will I miss it if I get rid of it?
3. Donate any of the cds you feel you do not listen to enough or can do without.
4. Organize your cds! I would give you some suggestions, such as alphabetically or by genre, but lets face it, it is hard to keep them organized when you typically have cds all over the house and car. The main thing is – try to have ONE PLACE for them! This is important so that when you are looking for a specific cd, you know right where to go.
Confession of the Day: I used to just keep every cd I would get – whether it be free, given to me, you name it. I soon realized that our cd rack was overflowing and I did not listen to half of them. It ended up taking me going through them a few times to fully get rid of the cds I did not need or listen to. I find this often in decluttering – it may take a few times of going through something to fully get the clutter to a level you are satisfied with. I ended up donating many of my cds, which helps in deciding what cd to listen to, when I have fewer choices. Lessening choices by decluttering and living with less, makes life much more simple!
What is your favorite cd that you can’t help, but keep playing it over and over?