Day 67: How To Save Money With A Power Strip
What: Power Strips
Why: What do we leave plugged into the wall, for no good reason, except to provide electricity to NOTHING? Think about cell phone chargers, toasters, tvs, computer cords, etc. What is constantly plugged in, that is charging nothing? Have you ever thought about the cost of charging nothing? Not that a power strip will save you thousand (unless you have an insane amount of electrical outlets), but it could save you $100 a year by switching to power strips.
1. Think about what you have plugged in, that is providing electricity to nothing.
2. Plug your electronics such as tvs, dvd players, gaming systems, computer and cell phone chargers, into power strips.
3. Consistently turn the power strip switch off, every night. If you know you are going to be gone the whole day, think about turning the switch off then too. You can also buy timers, if you want to really get technical.
Confession of the Day: At our old house, we had a light switch that would turn power on to the tv, DVD player, and surround sound. I did not think it would save that much, but when you can literally HEAR the power going to those items when they are not even turned on, it is rather eye opening. We now have our electronics (such as tv, DVD player, and surround sound plugged into a power strip. Of course you can’t go and unplug your refrigerator every night, but unplugging those things that have no use being plugged in, can end up saving you enough money to buy a new outfit! Living with less means finding those simple acts we can take everyday to not only save energy, but also save money!
Have you ever thought about what you provide power to, without actually using it?