Day 80: 4 Simple Ways to Organize Your DVDs
What: DVDs
Why: Dvds can pile up and before you know, you own more than you will ever watch. This is going to be pretty self-explanatory as you organize your dvds.
1. Find all of the dvds you have and put them in a pile.
2. Go through each one and decide:
- Do I watch it enough to keep?
- When is the last time I watched it?
- Do I enjoy this dvd or do I keep it just to have a collection?
- Would someone else benefit more from this dvd?
3. Organize your dvds. Dvd binders are available, but that requires you to take each dvd out of their case. If you prefer to shelve your dvds, decide how you want to organize them. Here are a few ideas:
- His and hers
- Alphabetical
- Genre
- Director
4. Do not let your dvd collection get out of control – don’t keep a dvd because you “might” watch it again. It may be easier to just rent it someday. Plus, with Netflix, you can often find those old dvds that you may want to watch again someday.
Confession of the Day: Thankfully our dvd collection is not out of control. I have gone through some of them and questioned whether they contradict our value system, but that is the only purging I have had to do. Keeping your dvds organized and minimized may take some time, but give it time.
What is your favorite dvd?