Day 81: How to Save Money Washing Clothes

What: Washing Clothes
Why: Have you ever thought about how much you spend on washing your clothes? Have you ever thought about how you could save money, even when it comes to washing your clothes? There is something to be said about candles that smell like “fresh laundry.” How do you maximize the freshness, yet minimize cost?
1. Make your own detergent. Here are a few homemade laundry detergent recipes that will save you money on every load!
2. Use less detergent. Try using half of the recommended amount and see if you notice a difference in cleanliness.
5. Wash clothes in cold water. If your clothes are mighty dirty, wash in warmer water, but just remember it costs money to heat water.
6. The shortest cycle is the cheapest
7. Wear your clothes more than once. Use bath towels a few days in a row – you are clean after you get out of the shower anyways!
8. Buy detergent in bulk if you do not make your own.
Confession of the Day: I honestly am quite Dutch when it comes to washing our clothes. I perform the ultimate no-no when washing – I do not separate my colors. When I have a full basket of laundry, I throw the whole basket in. You may think it is laziness, but I see it as this: I have a full basket, washing them all in the same temperature of water, all of the clothes have been washed before, so I know colors won’t “run” on each other. I am able to reduce the number of loads I do each week by sticking to this method. If there is a stain, I pre-treat it, and still throw it in with the rest. I have never regretted this way of washing. Living with less means finding personal ways to save money and make more time for other things in life. I also hang our clothes on the line when able – I find that to be a relaxing “chore” and nothing beats fresh-smelling clothes off the line!
How do you save money washing your clothes? Do you have a homemade laundry detergent recipe I should try?
I would suggest that laundry be separated by "type" of clothing and water temperatures. You should wash underwear, socks, towels, anything that comes in intimate contact with your body, should be washed in hot water. Hot water should be used to kill germs & bacteria that may come from fecal matter, bodily fluids or fungus (socks). Other laundry is usually ok to wash in cold temperature.
That is a really good point about separating by type! I have a hard time doing that only because we generate so few clothes, but if I wait long enough (which we have plenty of clothes) I would be able to apply this. I really like this idea! Thanks for sharing!