Day 90: Organize Your Spices in 5 Easy Steps
What: Spices
Why: All you need is the oregano, but you keep grabbing the wrong spice. You soon realize you have 3 garlic powders and no oregano. How do you make sense of all of the spices you have? Spice racks are great, except that you typically cannot fit all of your spices IN the rack, so they end up in a cupboard. Then you forget which spice is where. It can be a big mess. So what is the best way to organize your spices? There really are many different ways. Here is just one example:
1. Find all of your spices – consider even getting rid of the big spice rack!
2. Make sure all of them are still good. Believe it or not, spices can expire!
3. Buy colored stickers, labels, whatever adhesive you would like to use to label each of your spices.
4. Write the name of each spice on a label and adhere it to the spice.
5. Organize your spices in alphabetical order.
Confession of the Day: I used to keep all of our spices in one drawer – but the only thing I could see was the black top. I had no clue what spice was what. I would get so frustrated, trying to find a certain spice. That is when I came up with the idea of labeling the top of each spice and organizing them in alphabetical order. It has made the process of finding the right spice, MUCH easier! I don’t know how I ever did it before! Some organize them by laying them all on their side – I don’t have enough space to do that. For me, this is the best way. Living with less means finding the best way to organize that is right for YOU. Do what is best for YOU.
How do you organize your spices?