Decluttering: Choosing To Find A New Home For Items
Do you have an item that you know you have to let go of, but are having a hard time releasing?

That item is special to you. It has a meaningful memory attached to it. It holds a special place in your heart.
And you fear someone else not valuing it as much as you do.
When it comes to decluttering, one of the hardest parts of giving something up is that you don’t know where that item will go. I want to share with you some ideas on how to let go of things in your own home, while helping you change your frame of mind when it comes to your “stuff”.
Will someone else appreciate the item more?
That is a good question. If you are looking to get rid of something that you hold quite near and dear to your heart, you also have to be willing to accept the fact that the next person may not value it as much as you do. Does that give you the right then to hang onto it? No. Letting go means letting go of the emotions attached to something and physically letting go of it. Don’t set up expectations for others. Let them do with the item what they choose to do with it.

Just because you get rid of it, doesn’t mean someone else won’t find joy in it.
Contrary to the first point, you never know, someone else might appreciate an item more than you ever did! Just because you are choosing to find a new home for an item, doesn’t mean that they WON’T appreciate it. Maybe it will be like a treasure of gold to them and they will use that item for a lifetime. Just let it go.
Is it taking up precious space that you could be using for something else?
When it comes to finding a new home for something, let the idea of having MORE SPACE motivate you. How much room does this item take up? Granted just because you got rid of it doesn’t mean you give to fill that space up immediately. But, having enough space is an on-going issue for many households. Clearing the clutter and letting go of what you do not need or do not use, will save you space in the end!
We all have to give up our things at some point.
Not to be a debby downer, but when we pass away, we take nothing with us. No sentimental items. No money. If you have an item that you are having a hard time letting go of, think about telling your family where you would like it to go – what new home you want it to have, to prevent them having to make the decision for you, when it’s too late. Make the decision easy!

A new home may be exactly what that item needs.
What is that one thing you would have a hard time giving up?
For me, it would be my scrapbooks. I have umpteen hours poured into my scrapbooks and yes, I would be extremely sad if I ever lost them. But, the memories are always there!

I agree with this wholeheartedly! Our family found some GREAT charities to donate to this year, and I believe the reason why we were so successful at letting go, was because they really RESONATED with us. Here are a few of our "new" charities:
1. El Nino project – Children in Mexico's orphanages received gifts for Christmas in addition
hearing the true word of Jesus' birth. Gifts value = $10 – $15.
This was a great opportunity to share all those things that are new/like
new that we've never played with or used. We included a strong box
(shoe box, etc.) and a tote bag or purse in almost every kit. We shared
art supplies(paper, coloring books, markers, pencils, colored pencils,
stickers, notepads, erasers, rulers, scissors, etc., etc., etc.) plush
animals, toys, jewelry, etc. For most of these children, it would be the
only gift they would receive.
2. Robyn's Nest – Run through our local Children's Hospital. Foster children often leave
home with little more than the clothing on their back. Donations include:
Clothing, toys, purses, luggage, coats, shoes, boots, sports equipment,
etc. (really anything a child or teen might want or need. Items should be
clean and in decent condition, but could be "used").
3. "clothing recycle" – Our high school used a clothing recycle to raise money. The "textiles"
donated were to be used for women to create goods from the fabric.
(Even small pieces of fabric could be used for things like dolls legs, or
other small items.) This was a great way to share fabric odds and ends,
clothing that may have seen better days, but still had parts or
notions that were still in good condition, or even the cute sock that had
lost its' mate.
Sometimes, when you know a little more about the recipient and their needs, it is so much easier to see that the item will serve a much greater purpose with someone else. Additionally, we like to say a prayer for God to bless the person that will be receiving the item.
Thank you SO much for sharing this! I loved reading this as it was inspiring to read about the simple ways you can make a difference in someone's life. Whether it be with possessions we no longer use in our homes, or a simple purchase. Knowing a specific need does make giving easier and these are such tangible ways to give! Thanks again for sharing this and inspiring us all!