Do More Than Just Listen
The start of a new year always promises new beginnings. New ways of doing things. New habits. New this, new that.
I think it’s healthy for us as humans to have these moments – times to sit back and think forward. Where are we going in life? What do we want to be doing? What do we want to change? Where could we change? All of these questions are healthy and help propel us to become better reflections of who God is, in this sanctifying process.
At the turn of the year, many often start a new Bible reading plan, devotional, or study. Me too! I think that’s what we should always be striving for. But here’s the thing. Are we merely going through the motions as Christians in doing devotions, acting as if it’s our duty? Or are our hearts craving Him? Wanting more and more of Him?
Over the past couple of years, this is where I have been challenged. It’s easy to check something off the list, but is what I’m reading, really changing my life? If it’s not, then I need to look at what I’m reading and how I’m reading it.
If we want our lives to change, we can’t just merely listen and read. We need to DO. If all we are doing is checking off a box, then the message is falling on deaf ears – as if we didn’t hear it at all. If I claim to be doing my devotions and no one sees a difference in my life, that’s kind of a mixed message, isn’t it? Now don’t get me wrong, we all grow in different ways, at different times, through different circumstances. You will find fault in me. MANY faults.
But if we claim to be Christians, diligently doing our devotions and allowing His Word to penetrate deep into our hearts, then our lives and habits will be different. It’s a GUARANTEE because that’s what God’s Word does. It changes you. It changes me.
So this year, I encourage you to not merely go through the motions, but let the Word of God infiltrate every part of your life, so that others may see the beauty of a life lived in and with Christ.
If you have a recommendation for a devotional, study, or plan, let me know! I’d love to create a list for everyone!
Kristen, in the last year I have had a devotional book by Alistair Begg. I am doing his second one this year. This devotional has “meat” in it. It has a theme verse, a whole page devotional, with scripture passage to go along with it. If desired, it has a plan to read the Bible in one year.
I have been searching for this for so long, something with substance in it. Most I look at has a verse at the top, 2 paragraphs, and you’re done in 2 minutes max.
I also would welcome your finds over the years. Looking forward to your list.
Phyllis, A friend for mine worked through what I think is the same devotional last year, and LOVED it! In fact, he would post about it on Facebook! His, what I like to call “nuggets of truth” were so simple yet so profound. I’m going to have to check this one out! Thank you for sharing this…inspires me to get this one!