Do You Trust God’s Plans For You?

I have trust issues.
I didn’t think I did, until I started getting older. I’m telling ya, 40 can feel like a doozy sometimes! Will that person stop when their light turns red and mine turns green? Will my vehicle break down when I’m on the way to an important appointment? Will my daughter be okay? Will I remember to take the brownies out of the oven before they burn? Will my cancer come back? Will my next blood test be normal? Will God give me what I need for each day?
When I think about those questions, they are filled with worry and fear. And it all comes down to one thing – a lack of trust.
Did you know that God has a plan for you, and no one and no thing, not even you, can stop those plans? We think that life depends on us, and so we try to control, manipulate, plan, and worry about every scenario. Because we think that if we can control the thought, that we can control the outcome. No way, sister! That’s not how God works.
Faith is having confidence in who God is and his purposes for us. When we worry and fear, we actually limit God in our minds. We don’t realize that God will ALWAYS do far exceedingly more than we could ever ask or imagine. When we try and control our health, our wealth, and our circumstances, we are saying “I don’t trust you God, let me take this.” We may be given a health diagnosis, break down on the side of the road, get in an accident, you name it, but GOD STILL HAS THE FINAL SAY.
I am walking free from cancer at the moment, only by God’s grace!! But even a cancer diagnosis, doesn’t have the final say. NOTHING trumps God. Even though it can feel like all is lost, hopeless, and unredeemable, but that is a lie. Satan has come to steal, kill, and destroy, which he is annoyingly good at. But JESUS came so that we may have life and have it to the full. Even amidst our deepest struggles, pain, and burdens.
He is here to give us LIFE. The Spirit is alive and active within us, so that we can trust God with every detail of our lives. When we cling to Him, He will create a peace within us, that surpasses all understanding. So let me ask again, do you trust God’s plans for you? I’m a work in progress, folks. This is something I need to daily retrain my brain to believe. I’m thinking I’m not the only one, but remember, GOD IS WORTH TRUSTING. He won’t fail you. And that’s a guarantee!
I am so with you, Kristen. I worry so easily and I know that God has a Sovereign Plan for my life, and there is Nothing I can do to prevent any of it. How Great is our God!