Do Your Commitments Line Up With Your Values?

Dan and I decided we could be professional vacationers. Wouldn’t that be the life? We have always enjoyed exploring and seeing the beauty of God’s creation, so any opportunity we get, we try and jump on it. In fact, when we first moved to Minnesota, we found a little magazine that listed some fun places…
Cardboard boxes can get in the way. Cardboard boxes can clutter. Cardboard boxes are clumsy and take up a lot of space. Have you ever thought of other ways you can use your boxes for other than storing and packing items? In our basement, we have a large stack of boxes. We decided that after…
Becoming The Woman God Wants Me To Be is becoming a book that is really helping me make the most of my time and most importantly, making sure I make my life all about God. This week the lesson was on Godly Habits. I was excited to dig into this one because lets be honest,…
I want to break my own mold and start picking up my Bible more and my phone less. I want to break my own mold and just sit and be, instead of going and doing. I want to break my own mold and not think about what else we need, but what else we can get rid of or give away.
Treasures in heaven. Where are your treasures? This week (I do not find this as ironic, but as God’s plan), our Bible study was on Matthew 6:19-34, which is about storing up treasures, money, and not worrying. So, I ask again, where is your treasure? Can moth and rust destroy it as it says in…
Before every basketball practice, we try to read the Jesus Calling for the day. I appreciate those 2 paragraphs of spiritual inspiration and affirmation, that God has us in the palm of His hand. Today, while reading it with the players, the line “Thank Me for this day of life, recognizing that it is a…