
This past weekend, Mazy and I did a little mommy/daughter trip to the Mackinaw area. For those who aren’t familiar with the area, this place is iconic for the 5 mild suspension bridge that spans between the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan and also has a dreamy island nestled to the right of the bridge, where no cars are allowed, but only bikes and horses and buggies. Straight out of a movie, folks.
As we were waiting in line for the ferry that carried us all over to the island (it’s either by boat or plane), I could sense the excitement growing in both of us. Since returning home, when asked what our favorite part was, Mazy repeatedly said, “the island”. Amen, sista! As we boarded the ship, we found our place on the upper deck, where the views are endless. We strategically chose the boat ride that took you under the bridge and then over to the island, which never disappoints.
After all the ooooos and ahhhhs from going under the bridge, the deck fell silent, with only the engine to be heard, as all the passengers just soaked in the beauty around them and sat back as we felt the wind our faces. I looked over at Mazy doing the same. I glanced over the water and in my heart, praised God for this moment. A trip we were praying we’d be able to go on, and there we were. As my heart spoke words of gratitude and awe that God would choose this for us, I felt this rush of peace and God filling my mind with the word “ENJOY”. I attempted to not rebuttal, but the fear of the past can so easily overtake my mind. Though in that moment, His presence felt all the stronger, as His arms of love and voice of truth said, “ENJOY”. Tears filled my eyes and still do when I talk about this because God’s presence was felt so strongly in that moment. Good thing I had sunglasses on, though I suppose I could’ve blamed the wind for my teary eyes. But right then and there, God didn’t tell me what my future held, but reminded me to just embrace today, with no fear of the future, but to cling to the gifts of that day.
So why do I share all this? We ALL don’t know what the future holds. Test after test seems to control my future at times, but this is NOT true. GOD DOES. And in the midst of this healing process, God still wants us to ENJOY. I’m reminded of the passage in Ecclesiastes 3, where there is a time for everything – a time to kill (cancer cells) and a time to heal…a time to weep and a time to laugh…a time to embrace (the moment) and a time to refrain from embracing (holding onto anxiety of the past and holding onto the fear of the future). Wherever God has you in life, no we cannot always change our circumstances, but what we can do is ENJOY the gifts that God has given us for this day. They are there. They aren’t just found on a boat ride to an island. It may be in a conversation with a friend. Folding laundry, realizing you had plenty of clothes to wear. Jumping in a vehicle that started. Feeling at peace with where God has you. Seeing your family sitting around the dinner table together. Feeling the sun on your face.
I’m continually teaching myself this lesson too. I clearly have a lot to learn because God had to speak so loudly that day on the boat, for me to get his drift. I’m a work in progress to say the least!
Here’s a little glimpse at what we did…
We went to the Jack Pine Lumberjack Show – highly recommend, Mazy LOVED it!

Historic Mill Creek – watching the saw mill was fascinating for the both of us!

Can’t go into the city and not shop!

This day we stood under the bridge, two days later we drove over it!

We went to the Headlands Dark Park, but being the summer, it took FOREVER to turn dark, so we left a little early (well, 11:00pm) to enjoy the lights on the bridge instead…

Ferry ride to the island!

Oh to live here…

I wasn’t sure I wanted to attempt Arch Rock with the sheer number of steps that have to be taken, but we did it!

And the views were breathtaking. We couldn’t have asked for better weather!

Riding bikes around the island…

Grabbing ice cream at the Ice Cream Parlor that’s adjacent to the iconic Grand Hotel:

Is this even real?

We drove up to the Soo Locks on our last day to see how this whole gig works. Mazy was just flabbergasted that Canada was on the other side. I kinda forgot to tell her that part when we were driving up there :).

We can’t wait to come back next year!