ENJOY This Christmas Season!
Christmas is fast approaching?
Are you ready?
I sometimes feel when people ask the question whether I am ready or not, I feel I have to have this huge checklist checked off, with nothing but Christmas bliss left.
Christmas shouldn’t be about a to-do list. Yet that is what we have made it to be. I have done a few posts on how to have a stress-free Christmas (check out the holidays tab under “Around the Home). I still feel that we all struggle to truly enjoy Christmas. It is one thing to not be stressed during the season. It is another to ENJOY CHRISTMAS!
So how do you take Christmas one step further – from not being stressed to truly enjoying every moment? Here are a few helpful reminders and ideas:
1. Stick to your budget. One of the biggest stressors are finances during the season. Even when it comes to food. Have you looked at your grocery bill lately? Are your eyes bigger than ever? Try making recipes when the items needed are on sale.
2. Think POTLUCK. Why should someone provide all of the food? Have a giant potluck and you will have the best variety of food one could imagine! Really, how often does someone bring the exact same thing? Rarely.
3. Delegate. Why should you do all of the work? Sometimes our pride gets in the way and we think we can do it better than anyone, so we’ll just do it ourselves. That is honestly a selfish and prideful attitude (sorry to be so honest). Humble yourself and don’t be afraid to delegate!
4. Don’t commit to anything you don’t want to. Do everything that you WANT to. Don’t do something because you feel guiltified (yes, I just made up that word), into it!
5. Be realistic. Don’t set too high of expectations. For example, that you will decorate your home to look like a magazine. Lets be frank – it’s not going to happen and the only one who is disappointed is YOU.
6. Focus on the present and future, not past. Holidays can be a very difficult time for some. Try to not hang on to the past, but to think about what changes you can make today, for the future.
7. Keep your priorities straight. For me personally, this means keeping Christ as the focus, and not everything else going on around me. Keeping my heart and mind in the right place, helps me remember the real reason for the season!
8. Think about traditions of the past. Do you sing carols as a family? Do you give gifts to everyone? Why? What traditions are positive and what have a negative effect and are only done because they are tradition? Reevaluate!
9. Enjoy the season. Don’t let the stress of everything that has to be done, rule your heart this season. Enjoy listening to Christmas music. Enjoy buying gifts for those you love. Enjoy baking/cooking what you know will satisfy. Take time to reflect on WHY you are doing something – hopefully this will help you find enjoyment in every moment!
Blessings to YOU, this Christmas!