Figuring Each Other Out
We will be the first to admit that parenting is not easy.
Yet it is one of the most rewarding gifts – a gift that keeps on giving, even if peeling the wrapping paper away, becomes difficult at times.
This past week has been a bit of a challenge, but I know that any parent reading this is probably thinking “been there!” This past week, Mazy has been extremely fussy and has been crying so hard that she barely has a voice. That broke this mother’s heart. As she was crying, I too joined her, as I felt I could not satisfy her needs. I suppose that is the challenge with any newborn – figuring out what they need. Even though I found myself in tears many times, at a loss with what to do next to try and console her, it was Wednesday afternoon that I knew I had to do something different. I had an appointment with her that afternoon and she literally screamed through the whole thing. I wish I was exaggerating, but just ask the technician and doctor – they would vouch for me. I left there feeling very depleted and defeated because they asked me to keep her still and console her, but I couldn’t get her to calm down. Of course then my mind led me to believe that I was not doing a good enough job as a mother. I drove home in tears.
We thought maybe she was colicky because she would start crying at random and then be inconsolable. Then maybe gas was getting the best of her. We were open to any suggestions. The idea of a chiropractor had crossed my mind as I know of a couple people who have brought their babies in. I was very skeptical because I did not want anybody cracking my baby. When I got home, I had a message on facebook from a good friend whose daughter brought their son to a chiropractor. I knew that it was worth a try and a confirmation to go for it, as I read that message. I called a friend to see who she suggested to go to. I called that doctor and they had an opening in 15 minutes. I buzzed down there and throughout most of the appointment, Mazy just laid there, looking as comfortable as could be. I wondered whose daughter that was?
By Thursday morning, we literally had a different kid. Mazy cried for maybe 5 minutes during the day, she was THAT content and happy! We played, read books, talked, just snuggled, all without that piercing and heart-wrenching cry. Friday she was a bit fussy again, so I called and they said I could bring her in if I wanted to, so I decided to since we had the weekend coming up. Saturday morning she was quite fussy again, but throughout the afternoon, she had numerous dirty diapers. I am thinking she has some digestive/intestinal things going on, and the chiropractor is loosening it all up. What I really liked about going to the person I did, was that he was so gentle with her, he showed me things I could do at home, and he did not push me to come back, but to call when I felt I needed to.
I know I am opening myself up to a lot of opinions by saying I took our baby to the chiropractor, but I am the first to say that it worked! We know she was very twisted in my womb, but all that was done to her were stretches. I was able to see everything he did to her and it was nothing I wouldn’t do!
Today, she has slept so much and again, is quite content! I again asked Dan, “whose daughter is this?” We have been praying and praying that God would show us how we can help her, as we just felt so sorry for her! She has her voice back, which is encouraging! God is answering our prayers!
We know that babies cry and are fussy. I do know too, that from what I read, her cries were cries of pain, instead of just fussiness. We are praying that it will continue to improve and that this little girl can continue to just grow and grow! Which, speaking of, she is really starting to get some meat on her! She was SO thin when she was born, but she is surely gaining weight, as I have had to retire most of her newborn clothes. Am I sad? Mixed feelings – she is still not a huge baby, just long. So I feel like she is still our baby girl and seeing her grow is so much fun. She is getting a little personality and she is becoming my sidekick!
I realized in church today, that I was allowing the devil to tell me lies. I started to think that I was not a good enough mother because I couldn’t console her (especially after that appointment). I had a friend tell me earlier in the week to not even let my mind go down that path. Boy, when your hormones are still out a whack, it sure is easy to think that! I needed this Sabbath. I needed to be reminded that it’s okay. The devil is NOT going to steal our joy and take away these precious days. We have such wonderful help and I could not be more thankful for the people in our life! I plan on sharing much more about that too – the blessing of community. This gift of life is more than I could ever imagine. I never knew I could love so deeply, so quickly. Mazy has changed our lives and more importantly, GOD, is drawing us nearer to Him. What a gift! What a gracious gift – that God would choose Mazy to do just this.
So we are praying that this coming week is a little better and that we can continue to try and help little Mazy Grace feel better too! Here are some pictures from the week:

I know you are an excellent mom and GOD has given you everything you need to care for one of his children. You have a beautiful daughter! Loving and caring for her will refine you in unexpected ways. You have embarked on a crazy hard journey but try to remember your job is not to be the perfect mother but to show your children our perfect saviour.
First off, do not let anti-chiropractic people dissuade you, and they will try. I LOVE my chiropractor and he helped our daughter through asthma. He's a magician! Secondly, all of us mothers have been there, feeling we were not good enough or fretting over what we think we could have done better. We are not perfect but we do the best we know how at the time. Love will get you through. Keep up the good work!
You both are SO right! I really appreciate your comments! The fretting over what we could have done better or the idea of trying to be the perfect mother, are unrealistic expectations that I can so easily put on myself! In fact I am sure every mother has at some point! The other day, I remember I had to go out somewhere and I forgot I had spit up all over my shirt. To be honest, it was a proud moment because it made me realize that Dan, Mazy, and I are in this all together and it may get messy at times :). Thank you both for your words – they are much appreciated!