Forgetting to Declutter: Batteries

Another ridiculous topic, right?
Where are your batteries? Where do you store them? Are they all in one location? Really?
“Mom, I need 2 AA batteries!”
Have you heard that phrase about a zillion times, yet don’t have a clue where even ONE is? You look in the “battery drawer” but all you see are empty boxes. Where did they all go? You scrounge the house, looking for at least one, but not a chance.
What if all of your batteries (even WORKING batteries) were all in one place? Decluttering is where to start:
1. Find all of the unused batteries you have in your home. You may have to go to multiple rooms and places to find them all.
2. Organize them by kind.
3. Decide if you have more than you will EVER use. If so, donate them to someone.
4. Find a container to store them all in (you may have to buy an organizer if you have a lot).
5. Organize them into the container by kind, so that you know what you have and can find exactly what you need.
Batteries are something that are easy to look over, but end up in every corner of our home. The frustrating thing is that if you do not keep up on them, you will end up with batteries that are dead, but end up in the battery drawer anyways. Keep them all in one central location so that when you are asked for 2 AA batteries, you know exactly where to go!
I keep mine in baggies in a refrigerator drawer, sorted by size. That way, I can glance at the baggies when I'm making a grocery list and see what I need. We really stock up before Christmas because it's one less things our sons and daughters-in-love have to think about before coming to our home.
I've heard that keeping batteries in the fridge is a good idea. Haven't ever done it, but do you feel it makes a difference?
Well, it's the one place everybody knows to find them, and we haven't lost one for lack of power, so it works for us!