Forgetting To Declutter: Notepads and Notebooks
1. Find all of the notepads and notebooks you own? You may have some in your office, in the kitchen, in your purse…
2. Ask:
- Are they in a convenient location?
- Can you find them when you need them?
- Would they serve a better purpose in the recycling bin?
- How many notepads and notebooks do you need?
- Do you own more than you will ever use?
- How many only have a few pages left, but can be ripped out and used for scrap paper?
3. Locate the places in your home that seem most feasible to store them. For example, by the telephone, in the office, or in the room where you most often jot down notes. By putting them in multiple locations, you will hopefully refrain from jotting down notes or numbers on the corner of a piece of paper, like your child’s homework.
4. Recycle the notepads and notebooks you will not use – do NOT hang on to it just because it is a “good” piece of paper. Recycling can do it’s job too. If they are nice notepads, donate them.
Now that school is out, this is a great time to get a handle in what you have when it comes to notebooks especially! Make your children use partially used notebooks if there are only a few pages missing. Clean out so that when it comes to back to school time, you know exactly what you need! Don’t forget to declutter this much needed, but space waster item. Don’t keep more than you have to!