Fundraising: Dock-Style
Start the list: You haven’t finished the laundry. You haven’t made that new recipe. You haven’t organized your kids’ papers. You haven’t made a “good” supper in weeks. You haven’t exercised in who knows how long. You haven’t done this. And you haven’t done that. I am sure you can fill in the blanks. Think…
What: Keys Why: Whoever invented the key, should’ve invented a “nametag” to go on the key so that we know what the key is actually for. Don’t you agree? Yes, I know they sell those color-coded key covers, but they still don’t help if you don’t even know what the key is for. When we…
There is something about stepping out of your comfort zone, exploring new areas, building relationships, and most of all, growing closer to God – all things that encompass a mission trip. This past week, we headed to Alaska for our youth group mission trip, that was intergenerational too. The group of 30 embarked on the…
It’s my 5 Favorite Things on Friday post – Edition #5! Unbreakable Plastic 10oz Cups – I have been in search for some quality but affordable “everyday” cups. We had some plastic ones, but many of them cracked if put in hot water. Not my cup of tea. I found these cups on Amazon,…
Today at Roots (high school group), there was a lot of excitement in the air because the AIR actually WAS really nice! We started it off by playing kickball with a bat, but with kickball rules. Good times, good times. We saw many grass stains, slide marks, and take outs! I love how kids just…
Still enjoying the fall weather here in MN! I think it was 2 years ago we had a 1 1/2 feet of snow I think by now, so we will take this 50-60 degree weather! Mazy got her first cold of the season, but she has slept like a champ at night! Naps, well, that’s…