Gardening 101: Where to Begin

Can you believe spring is finally here? I know for some, it has been here for awhile, but for others (like in the north), it has been a long time coming. ‘Bout time, right? When it comes to gardening, we often spend so much time spring cleaning INSIDE, that we often forget about the spring cleaning that needs to happen OUTSIDE. Preparing for a garden takes time. Not preparing far enough in advance, can mean a less fruitful harvest. Having the best groundwork for planting a garden, can ensure a productive garden. I want to share with you a few tips on how to make sure garden produces a bountiful harvest!
5. Know your garden. Know where the sunniest and shadiest spots are. Some plants require more sun than others (like tomatoes). Other plants like lettuce and peas, can use a little break from the sun. Know where the sun hits the hardest in your garden.
Here are some ideas on what and how to plant a 4×4 garden, 10×10 garden with corn, and even a 20×40 garden.
Stay tuned because tomorrow there are going to be more tips on how to make the most of your garden this year!
What are you planting this year?
We don't do a vegetable garden, but choose to purchase vegetables from local farmers for canning and freezing. We do have lots of annuals, perennials and flowering shrubs, though; and one thing we are dealing with is ground squirrels (chipmunks)! Do you or any of your readers have an issue with these little boogers? I would love to know how you handle this.
I LOVE that alternative to a garden! I think buying local is so important because that is what keeps local farmers going, local employees employed, and keeps the dollars in the town. That is a really good question about ground squirrels! Thankfully we do not have too much of an issue with them, but I can see where they would start to be a nuisance!