Go Get ‘Em!
So my goals.
I believe this is going to be an on-going list. Some of my goals I will be talking about each day through each day’s subject, so that helps in challenging myself to progress in them. Each of these goals will take being intentional – the overall thing I want to work on this year. But here are some of my goals for this year:
Dates with Dan. Dan and I have so loved our Tri-fecta – Tuesday’s Time Together. A week and a half ago it was Thursday. Regardless of the day (whether it starts with a “t” or not), we are trying hard to spend that time together. You’d think with our life situation that we have all the time in the world together – we do. But there were so many emotions that almost got in the way. That may sound wierd, but it’s true – we were overwhelmed. We didn’t WANT to go out. We just wanted to be by our lonesome. But over the past month, we have been ready! We want to be intentional in dating.
Read. I am not a huge reader. Or should I say I was NOT a reader. Over the past few years, though, I have really enjoyed reading some books. Over the past few months I have honestly read quite a few books. This year, not only do I want to dig into God’s Word during my devotional time, but I also want to read some of the Christian classics. Currently I am reading Radical Together. Ah. Such a good book!
Here are just a few books that are on that list (if you have any suggestions, let me know!)
Forgotten God
Cost of Discipleship
Reread Mere Christianity
Happier is Home
Radical Together
Less Is More
Better Off
Continue to learn what it means to live a simple and contented life. I plan on accomplishing this through prayer, book reading, and daily asking myself how I can live a more content and simpler life. I want to lessen my choices and take joy in what I have. When we have so many options, it takes that much longer to make a choice, and in the end, I think, makes it more stressful. So lessen the choices.
Expand my crafting skills.
Give more, spend less.
Pray for the world. Become more intune to the needs of the world. It is so easy to get caught up in my own little bubble and ignore the needs outside of my bubble. Open your eyes Kristin, open your eyes. I think God has been working on this in me for the past few years, but I think going to Belize will be good.
Be conscious of what I put into my body. This isn’t necessarily a “lose weight” goal. Since living with Dan’s parents, I realize how valuable it is to eat whole grains. To drink enough water. To just be conscious of what I eat and exercise.
Like I said before, this is something I will probably expand on as the year goes by. But these are the things that I have been thinking about for the past few weeks. What are some of your goals?