God Cannot Be Stopped

Just think about it, GOD CANNOT BE STOPPED.
This truth alone will either put you in awe, or cause an incredible amount of anxiety for you, knowing that you can’t do everything in your power to stop your current situation or change your circumstances. I think we often go through life thinking that we can “create” our own life. That we can design it just how we want it to look; that we can make it look just how we want it to. But in all reality, we are not in control, as much as we want to be. And that’s where we have the chance to allow our faith or our fears to carry us.
There is a lot going on in the world where we may wonder why God isn’t intervening. He may come across as silent. We wonder why He allows what He does. We often think He’s sitting back, watching what’s happening, wondering what to do with this mess, when in reality, He is moving constantly, making others aware that He cannot be stopped. In the end, HE WILL WIN. And I find an immense amount of peace in that!
What are you going through today that makes this day difficult? What is happening around you, that makes you wonder if God is even there? Do you see God’s hand in it? Well let me tell you, He knows exactly what He’s doing! There has been a lot in my life that I do not understand. I remember having an immense amount of pain after one of my open heart surgeries and I mentally was just crying out to God, why? Please stop this! I can’t do it anymore! The morphine they were giving me wasn’t working like they had hoped, and I kept thinking, why is He allowing this? But little did I know it was preparing me for yet another surgery a week later. God had a purpose and nothing could stop Him. I was told for a number of years that I couldn’t have my own child due to my heart. Well folks, GOD CANNOT BE STOPPED. It the spring of 2014 when we heard the words with regards to pregnancy, “I see no problem with it,” God could not be stopped. No medical problem would stop His weaving of HIS ways in our life.
This is why I find great comfort in knowing God cannot be stopped. My life belongs to Him and He will work out His eternal purposes for me through his unique and sovereign plan. Isn’t that an incredible truth to behold? Especially as we live in a world that seems like it’s spiraling out of control? That doesn’t negate the fact that we still need to pray, but praying helps us gain the mind of Christ – by offering our spiritual lives an eternal perspective that is easy to lose sight of amidst our circumstances. So what are you battling today? What are you waiting on God for? What miracle are you hoping for? Just remember that God cannot be stopped and He will make His glory known, THROUGH YOU, for His eternal purposes will prevail! We will never understand the background work that He is doing on OUR behalf, because He cares and loves us. So always remember, God CANNOT BE STOPPED as He works out His perfect plan in our imperfect world.
Amen! So reassuring to know this truth in these very trying crazy days with what is going on in the world right now. Thank you Kristin for this reminder!
YES! So hard to sometimes remember what is TRUE, when there are so much turmoil around us!
Thank you for your perspective and the way you share it. We do need this reminder every day and sometimes more often-every Bible study
I’ve done lately reminds us of that and it is so evident in the world around us what happens when man is in control. We need God.
I love how God intertwines our studies and repeats the same message to us over and over! Constant reminders that we NEED God and nothing else in this world! Thank you for your words of wisdom!